“I can't even believe this 12 week journey is coming to an end (it went fast).  Ron and I talked about doing another 6 weeks but with his surgery I think I'll be pretty busy; but I could see us continuing after recovery 
 I started this wanting to bring my 65th BD in not feeling frumpy and accepting the extra fat and feeling undisciplined and out of control.  I wanted to bring this next stage of my life in feeling strong, more mobile and learning how to make it happen.  This program has surpassed my expectation!  I really needed you coaching me, encouraging me and helping me to believe in myself again.  I really do feel more youthful, strong and have learned so much about how to eat healthy, how often to eat, how much to eat and be disciplined to exercise.  
 I love eating the same thing every day and being told what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat and to drink water   It was more than the amazing weight and inches I lost; this program has shown me I'm capable of more than I thought possible.  I had ingrained my own bad habits of eating out every day (twice a day) and I feel so empowered that now that does not control me.  
 The inspirational and encouraging messages and videos helped me mentally to push on and not give up on myself.  When you have to be accountable to someone that truly has your best interest at heart and really want you to succeed it helps to get it accomplished and follow through.
 It also brought my husband and I together; cooking and eating together.  My husband helped me so much with meal prep and wanted me to succeed that he did the program with me.
 It was worth every penny actually, it is worth way more.  I saved so much in eating out; not mention less wine 
 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I truly thank God for you and what you've done for us.  I'm enjoying a healthier me; and am proud of the discipline it took to care for myself.” - Sue Wiggins (64 years young)


